Preschool – 2nd Grade

Children ages preschool thru 2nd grade will accompany an adult through the music portion of the morning worship, at which time they will be dismissed to the back of the church for “Praise.” They will be lead to the first floor and examine God’s character to declare His praise. During this time the children do activities, crafts, and bible lessons which further their understanding of the character of God.  As they better understand who God is, they will be better equipped to praise His name. Currently we are using a curriculum by Children Desiring God called Jesus What a Savior.

Our children (like us) are helpless sinners, deserving of God’s eternal wrath. Children need to hear this truth so that they, like us, can turn to the perfect and only remedy—the free gift of salvation through Jesus the Savior!

Each lesson in Jesus, What a Savior! is designed to present the material, including Bible stories, in a way that proclaims the centrality of the greatness and worth of God. This chronological study on redemption focuses on God’s revelation of His Son, Jesus, as the one and only hope for desperate sinners—the good news of the Gospel!