“Missions exists because worship doesn’t…Worship, therefore, is the fuel and goal of missions. It’s the goal of missions because in missions we simply aim to bring the nations into the white-hot enjoyment of God’s glory.” – John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad!

As the people of God, we are called to worship God above all else and to lead others to join us in worshipping him. However, many of us get distracted, and our worship diminishes. We find ourselves busy with church programs, good intentions, and life in general. Because of this we also begin to neglect the call on our lives to bring others to Christ. Our calendars fill up, and other concerns become more pressing. It is time that we put first things first!

The purpose of Community-Wide Worshi19665640_683345125365_3338302427361134571_np event is not to reach the lost. But we do pray that it will set the hearts of those that attend on fire so that they will win the lost. The goal of Community-Wide Worship is to unite churches and their members to reach a community. We have invited Justin Falloon, Worship Pastor of FBC Bethalto, to help us achieve that goal, by leading us in song, prayer, and scripture reading. So, join us August 25th at FBC Cabool from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm! Let us

be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. – Ephesians 5:18b-21

We are in a world broken by sin, with fallen bodies, and sinful people.  But we must be clear; our biggest problem is not outside of us but inside of us.  As we respond to life in a broken world, our hearts are revealed. Therein, we find sin lying to us, promising life and happiness but giving death(James 1:14-15) and sorrow. Sins of lust promise escape and extasy, but lead to prison and shame. Sins of anger promise justice and power, but cannot fulfill them.  Sins of greed guarantee security and rest but leave us wanting and restless.

After we’ve given into these sins, we begin to believe there is no way out.  But God’s Word provides us with a roadmap to joy again.  The power of the Gospel is freedom from sin and the restoration of Joy.

I pray you’ll join us , Sunday, July 16th thru August 27th, as we examine King David’s response to his own sin in 2Samuel 11&12, Psalm 51, and Psalm 32 during our regular worship services. We pray this will be an excellent opportunity for us to find Restoring Joy.

Preaching Schedule

July 16th 2 Samuel 11 &12
July 23rdPsalm 51:1-2
July 30th Psalm 51:3-6
August 6thPsalm 51:7-9
August 13thPsalm 51:10-12
August 20thPsalm 51:13-17
August 27thPsalm 32

It is no secret that there are dangers in technology.  However, the technology isn’t the problem.  Smartphones, computers, and other modern technology are merely tools.  Those tools can be used by our sinful desires to accomplish many evil things.  I believe that Tony Reinke’s new book, 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You, is an excellent resource for evaluating the use of your smartphone.

However, he has hidden statement in the conclusion that says,

…to benefit from my phone, I must not use all the features all of the time. (pg.198)

The key to using our smartphones well is to exercise discernment, discipline, and purpose.  In the future, I’d like to share some apps and features that I believe are benefits to the Christian, but today I’d like to highlight one app that I think is a huge benefit to Christians in today’s era.

The Podcast app has many advantages for the Christian. This app allows us to take in audio that builds up the body of Christ and spurs on the believer anytime they are on their computer or have their phone. Podcast allow us to take in content while we mow, wash the dishes, drive, or any everyday task.  In an age of information, we can let so much information drown out Word-centered truth.  This app keeps them on the tips of our ears. (It should be noted that we cannot, nor should not live on podcasts alone.  Being an active member in a local church is vital to growth in discipleship. Courtney Reissig offers some good words here.) 

Some of you may be saying, “Why not just use the radio?” The radio has been a great tool across time and still has its place, but you and I are limited to listening to the stations that are available and what they deem best. With a podcast, we choose what we listen to and when we play it. In 2015 there were over 250,000 podcast stations, and I’m certain the numbers have grown exponentially. That means there is a multitude of resources in a variety of categories at our fingertips whenever we have time.  I have included some of my favorite below.

My All Time Favorite

Paul David TrippPaul David Tripp has always been a favorite author, speaker, and teacher of mine, Benjamin Leonard.  Having the opportunity to be his grader at Southern Seminary gave me an even greater appreciation for his ministry.  He can connect the power of Christ to everyday life in a way that captures readers and listeners.

His podcast is no different, while he doesn’t currently preach weekly at any one church, this podcast is a record of several of his sermons recorded during his tenor at Tenth Presbyterian Church.  I do wish he would bring back his older Paul Tripp Ministries Podcast because it had some of the best resources.

Church Leadership

Rainer on LeadershipRainer on Leadership is a bi-weekly podcast with Thom Rainer, President of Lifeway Christian Resources, and his host Jonathan Howe.  They discuss trends,  pitfalls, and helpful tools for church ministry.  One additional perk to this podcast is the guests they bring on. These guest are typically boots on the ground individuals discussing things they are passionate about and skilled in accomplishing. If you want to grow in your understanding of ministry and leadership, you need to subscribe to this one.


Sermon of The Day

Sermon of the Day provides one classic John Piper sermon or conference message for each day of the year, based on listener recommendations and feedback.  Piper is the founder and teacher of DesiringGod.org and is the author of more than 50 books. His sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at DesiringGod.org.

The passion of John’s preaching is uplifting and encouraging in life’s everyday drag.  He calls you to a bigger view of God with a compelling view of Christ.  You won’t regret subscribing to this podcast.

News and Information

The BriefingThe Briefing is a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian Worldview.  Al Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, discusses the most pressing news stories across the globe.  However, he doesn’t do so for social commentary. Rather takes each event through the grid of Christian worldview to evaluate a Biblical evaluation and response to these events.  In my estimation, this program is one of the most underrated resources for the modern Christian.

Video Podcast

Look at the BookLook at the Book is different from the other podcast because it is video based. However, it is well worth your time.  Its simple design will leave you saying, why didn’t someone do this before.  In each video, you will find the text of Scripture on the screen with a voice over walking you through the text.  While you listen, you can watch John Piper mark the text and help you learn to read the Bible for yourself.

This tool will prove beneficial for your time in the word and help you to see things in a whole new way.

What are some of your favorite podcasts?

Summer is here! We love summer because it is a time to get outside and get invigorated. Whether we find refreshment, at the river, in a hammock, or around the campfire, we know we need it, and we seek it during this time of year.

One of the best ways you can refresh your soul is by reading an excellent book. Read more

Three different people give you a treasure map; how you respond to those treasure maps will depend on your opinion of those people more than the map. If the first man is a hobo living on the streets begging for his next meal, you will probably think he is out of his mind. If believed […]

What does a 72′ Ford Torino and 72′ Chevy Chevelle and 72′ Dodge Challenger have in common with the crowd in front of Jesus? You see if we were to line them up next to one another and remove the logo, many people wouldn’t be able to distinguish them apart. However, though each car may […]

Ever wonder how to become a murderer? Probably not, because no one ever sets out to be one. Rather, it is a slow unintentional murderous descent. While we may not have recognized it, last week we saw the beginnings of this descent as Mark showed the Pharisee point of view. Read more