While there are many praise worthy things about our community (Cabool, MO and its surrounding area), do you ever stop and think about the struggles within the community. I mean really stop and think about it. Does anything stick out? One of the struggles that seems to shine is the breakdown of the family. Many young families are struggling in their marriages and relationships. This problem will continue to prevail in future generations unless something changes. While this is a horrendous problem, it has even greater significance because marriage and dating relationships say something about God. At the beginning of God’s book it states,
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27).
God created us to reflect his image and this is revealed even in our relationship with one another. The problem is that we live in a fallen world full of sin which causes quarrels among us. God’s Word does however provide us with hope. That is why this Valentine’s Banquet will celebrate the hope found in God’s Word. This will provide YOU with a wonderful opportunity to encourage your friends and family that you care so much about to strengthen their relationships this Valentines Day. Invite them to participate in this fun-filled evening of food, games, and interactive teaching.
Beginning at 6:00pm on February 13th the youth will be serving a nice meal. During our time together we will be having door prizes as well as some entertaining games. We will also have a time of interactive teaching from Joseph Braden. Joseph Braden has been pastor of First Baptist Church of Saint Peters, MO since 1996 and is an adjunct professor at Missouri Baptist University. He has been married to his wife Diane for 33 years. They have three sons (Andrew, Thomas and Grant), two daughter-in-laws (Casey and Katy), and three grandchildren (Callista, Jett, and Crew). He has been a mentor to Pastor Leonard since 2002 and continues to bless his family.
Everything is free of charge, however the youth will accept donations to offset the cost. If you are having trouble finding childcare we have a limited amount available.
If you are interested please register today, so we can prepare for your arrival.
Valentine’s Banquet
While there are many praise worthy things about our community (Cabool, MO and its surrounding area), do you ever stop and think about the struggles within the community. I mean really stop and think about it. Does anything stick out? One of the struggles that seems to shine is the breakdown of the family. Many young families are struggling in their marriages and relationships. This problem will continue to prevail in future generations unless something changes. While this is a horrendous problem, it has even greater significance because marriage and dating relationships say something about God. At the beginning of God’s book it states,
God created us to reflect his image and this is revealed even in our relationship with one another. The problem is that we live in a fallen world full of sin which causes quarrels among us. God’s Word does however provide us with hope. That is why this Valentine’s Banquet will celebrate the hope found in God’s Word. This will provide YOU with a wonderful opportunity to encourage your friends and family that you care so much about to strengthen their relationships this Valentines Day. Invite them to participate in this fun-filled evening of food, games, and interactive teaching.
Everything is free of charge, however the youth will accept donations to offset the cost. If you are having trouble finding childcare we have a limited amount available.
If you are interested please register today, so we can prepare for your arrival.
A New Christmas Tradition
Most people think Christmas is about traditions, family time, and gifts. Marty Machowski doesn’t disagree, but helps us find all of these in Christ. Read more
No More Excuses
That’s not my gift. Isn’t that what you do across the ocean. That’s for summer trips. I’m not sure what to say. All of these and many more are the excuses people give for not sharing the gospel with others. And while the excuses abound, God’s Word still calls every believer to,
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The Treasure in Your Home
The Bible is probably one of the most undervalued books in all of America! It is a treasure hidden on the shelves of millions, collecting countless dust bunnies, and all because most don’t realize its value. I pray the masses would find this treasure and in their joy sacrifice everything to know, cherish, and practice it. I believe Kevin DeYoung’s latest book, Taking God At His Word, will be a tool used by God to accomplish this task. He portrays the Bible in a way that warms your affections, inspires your devotion, and corrects your priorities. Read more
Is God Limited by Sin?
In John Piper’s book Spectacular Sins, he not only addresses this question but asserts that God is indeed sovereign over sin. He asserts,
This little book goes beyond the category of “thought provoking” into “awe inspiring.” In a way only Piper can do, he overwhelms his readers with a view of God’s glory that not only produces greater worship, but grounds your faith for the worst of times.(p.14) Read more
How to Invite Your Friend to Church?
The following is a follow-up post to “Why Invite your Friends to Church?”
Recently I watched the video below and thought it was hilarious. However after some thought I began to wonder how individuals go about inviting others to church. Some times our invitations go well and other times they are slightly better than the video. So how do we invite others to join us for church? I don’t think there is a magical formula for inviting others to church but I do think there are four general principles. Read more
Why Invite Friends to Church?
When this church has a special Sunday to invite friends, there will be no pyrotechnics, no motorcycle stunts, and no elaborate stage set. While those things may make for great entertainment, they are a cheap substitute for worship. Instead it will be a normal Sunday with Scripturally centered Bible study, God exalting worship, and a Gospel centered message. So, why have a special Sunday for inviting friends to your church? Why invite friends into the normal rhythm of Church life? I would like to answer this in the following two ways.
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Share Life: Facebook Updates &More
Maybe you have noticed some new updates to Facebook this week. In their desire to continue to develop the world’s largest social media website, they are constantly seeking to enhance many social aspects. Since 2009 they have had the following mission statement,
You can see this mission being carried out in many of their new updates. For example, this week they have added “What You’re Doing” to status updates. You can now share at any moment how you are feeling, what you are watching and reading, and activities. They have made it even more convenient to for people to share every aspect of their lives.
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The Value of a Church Member
The Vacation Bible School craft cost $2. The Inflatable permit cost $120. The value of the members participating, priceless. The value of church members cannot be determined by their tithe, hours of service, or abilities. It is not determined by the number of children they bring to Vacation Bible School or lead to Christ. The value of a member is directly related to God’s placement of them in the body of Christ. In other words every member of the Church is irreplaceable because they are placed there by God. Read more
Listener’s Guide: A Practical Guide for Listening to the Word of God
“…manifested in his word through the preaching…”
Preaching finds its importance in the doctrine of Scripture. If we value the Word of God, we will value its exposition from the pulpit. If we value the exposition of the Word from the pulpit, then we will value each opportunity we have to listen. We will listen with intensity as the words of the God who created all things are being proclaimed before our eyes. Titus 1:1-3 says,
Paul, as a servant of God, understood his role was to preach the word. Here, he is reminding Titus that the hope of eternal life was made known to us through the preaching of the Word. Thus, we understand that preaching finds its significance in the hope of eternity found in the Word. Read more