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I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Susan Perry

I have a special prayer request. A friend (Dixie Cloughley) I've known for several years has been suffering with sclerosis of the liver for a good portion of our friendship. The doctors, with God's help, were able to get it under control and she was pain-free for a good while. Recently she found out she has stage 2 cancer of the liver. On 5/25 she is going to receive TACE (transarterial chemo) through her groin area to zap the tumor. June 5th they are performing a cardiac catheterization through her neck to make sure her heart is strong enough for a liver transplant; date of transplant has not been determined yet. Dixie is a strong God-fearing Christian who is loved by many, and it breaks my heart that she is going through so much pain and suffering. I know God's got this, but it is still heartbreaking. Please add her and her family to your daily prayers. God bless you and your families


Received: May 15, 2023

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